Dear Alair,
Thank you again for sending along a copy of the story you read to those of us gathered at the Adventurer's Guild recently. Also, I feel it cannot be said enough - you have a great talent for storytelling - perhaps sometime in the future, I will have the opportunity to hear you share another story.
Speaking of stories, I have included a copy of my chronicles of my adventures - I will admit that I'd thought of redacting some of the more personal entries, but I later realized that my inner thoughts may lend more context to the events detailed in my notes, so I left them in. I hope they won't cause you to think negatively of me.
I admit to being curious to know more about you - I have never met another thinblooded elf before, quite possibly due to my mother not wanting to acknolwoedge the existence of of sun elves who were not pure. (The gods know she went to great lengths to conceal my own impure lineage - she never told a soul that my father was human, since I could pass as a full sun elf until my recent visit to the Night Market.)
Please excuse my handwriting mistakes - my overly enthusiastic pet sand dragon feels I've apparently spent enough time wrtiting, so I will end my letter here.
I trust you are doing well, and I hope to hear from you soon.
"Junior! Look at the mess you've made of this letter," Ëlinyr said, looking down at the excited juvenile sand dragon, who started wagging his tail. "Every time you nudged my arm, you messed up my handwriting. I was trying to keep it neat for Alair." She sighed and read over the letter, noticing things she should have added in, but was a little too distracted by Junior to fully finish her thoughts.
"I guess this will have to go as is, as I've no more time to write a second letter tonight, and I'm sure you won't leave me in peace to write even if I did," Ëlinyr said to Junior, and reached out a hand to pat his head. "You want to go for a walk, don't you?"
The sand dragon waggled his tail even more and opened his mouth in what looked like a grin, then scrambled off to go get the harness and lead Ëlinyr used for walking him. At least he's smart enough to get his leash himself, Ëlinyr thought to herself, and got up from her desk to prepare to walk her scaly little companion.
note: the handwritten version of Ëlinyr's letter is here: page 1 page 2